Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Top Mistakes in Web 2.0 Marketing Part 1

NOTICE: This blog is going through some changes. I want to welcome all of you to check out my new blog at my home page at www.BraveNewMarketing.com. All material from this blog was ported over there, but the new blog will focus on marketing through Web 2.0 and how Web 2.0 has changed and continues to change the way we marketing online. This current blog will continue but the focus may shift to something more specific like copywriting or marketing for independent professionals (haven't decided yet).

So, without further ado...

Top Mistakes in Web 2.0 Marketing Part 1

SPAM. Thats was easy. End of post. Seriously…

…now that thats out of the way, we can get to all the other mistakes people use when using social media (Web 2.0) to market. But know this: I am telling you these things because I have made these mistakes and in this series, I will humiliate myself for your benefit.

Mistake #1 No Focal Point

Many people go to different social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. The only problem is that those sites are best for driving traffic to your main web site. This is important for 2 reasons:

1. If you try to sell products on these sites, they will shut you down. Recently MySpace rightfully deleted SPAM profiles and the profiles of those who use automated bots to add friends and maker comments. Good for MySpace!

2. Social networking is about building community, not about selling. You may find this an odd statement coming from me since this blog is about using social networking to market yourself (wellyou may not know what this blog is about if you are new because I failed to port my more recent posts from my other now-defunct blog and am now having to manually put them backbut Ill leave that mistake to another post in this series.) But think about this: when you become part of a community and establish yourself as an expert, people will seek you out elsewhereand isnt it convenient that there is a link to your web site or blog (I prefer linking to a blog) on your profile! You made it so simple.

By not having a focal point to send people to, you are not maximizing your social networking. In fact, you might end up spreading yourself out so thin that all of your social network marketing is rendered useless.

Tune in for another top mistake and discover how I systematically destroyed my own blog before I realized I had a system for destroying it. Itll make you laugh. Itll make you cry. Its a must see!!!!

To your success,

Carlon Haas


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